Reunification services are generally initiated by court referral, followed by a court order appointing me as the reunification specialist, and / or a stipulated agreement signed by each parent. Both parents and/or guardians need to sign my agreement and consent form prior to services beginning.

An initial meeting typically will include the child and the parent with whom the child resides. The child often meets with me individually for part of the interview. A separate meeting in person or via virtual communication with the non-aligned parent will also take place. We will discuss an overview of the reunification process, the terms of service, the Consent Agreement, the problem situation relevant to the child, and set an initial agenda for goals to remedy or resolve current conflicts.

Please be prompt, as the meeting will end at the allotted time. Subsequent sessions with me may include various modalities including individual time with the child, one parent with the child, one parent alone, parents together, and other parties at my discretion. Relevant personal, family, and child history will be obtained. The content of these visits is not confidential. A summary of these meetings may be made available to the other parent. In order to be effective, the reunification process depends on open, direct, honest communication. I may meet with the child individually, with a sibling, or with one or both parents present at my discretion to gain their perspective. I will always give careful consideration to the particular dynamics, tensions, and conflicts unique to a family.