The hourly rate is $250 for reunification services. Additional payment methods may include checks, cash, money orders and cashier's checks. The reunification services may be suspended temporarily should monetary transactions not process. Please inform me of financial constraints if they arise so that we may work out alternative payment arrangements in advance. Fees for casework will be charged according to the allocation of fees as specified in the court order or agreed upon by both parties.
In person meetings at my office, court testimony, phone consultations, conference calls, emails, letters, review of documents, photocopying, messenger services, travel time to and from court and sites outside my office, and other case-related services will be billed in 5-minute increments. Airfare, if required, must be reimbursed in advance. Postage may be charged for expenses exceeding $5.00. My billing assistant will provide you with a billing statement should you request one. The specific content of services is not disclosed.